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2018.5.29-5.30 PLMA Netherlands

May 31, 2018 1107

The International Own Brands OEM (OEM), hosted by the private label manufacturer association PLMA, is held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in May, beginning in 1986. This exhibition is the largest of its kind in the world, occupying 10 pavilions at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam, divided into food and non-food areas. It can directly enter supermarkets, department stores, chain stores, discount stores to sell products and product packaging suitable for supermarkets, and is intended to be a product of OEM production in Europe.

The exhibition will attract manufacturers from more than 70 countries, 60 national and regional pavilions, and more than 4,300 booths. Exhibitors will have the opportunity to work with large supermarkets and department stores from more than 115 countries around the world (eg French Carrefour, Auchan Auchan, Leclerc Leclerc, Tesco Tesco (12% of UK retail sales), Switzerland's largest Supermarket Group Cooper Coop, Wal-Mart Wal-mart, METRO, EDEKA, ALDI, REWE, LIDL chain stores, Austria SPAR, Croatia KONZUM, Hong Kong Watsons AS Watson, Danish Nippon NETTO, Asia and South America with 1.3 million chain stores The Dutch Wankelong Group MAKRO and Ahold AHOLD, etc.) negotiated with the wholesalers and merchants, which will create opportunities for international private label manufacturers to enter the European supermarkets and retail stores.